Our mission to become brand experience trailblazers is key to the remodelling of iD – an agency where courage and invention have been well established for almost 30 years, challenging work and development.
With that being said, innovation doesn’t come easily. It requires a huge effort to rise above the day to day schedules, the difficulty being finding the physical time and mental space to challenge the way we work. We knew that to continue delivering as the agency that dares to experiment and defy the norm, a complete overhaul was in order to nurture a new approach to every aspect of our work.
Step 1 – find the time. By being more selective about the clients we are working with, we can divert more time to developing talent, expertise, innovation and research. Seems straightforward enough.
Step 2 – changing the way we think about how we work and the industries we target as an agency. This is more challenging…